断舍离 is a concept which originally came from a Janpanese author山田英子(Shan Tian Ying Zi). It’s about finding and understanding yourself by going through and managing the material goods you have. It is a decluttering technique, which helps to improve your wellbeing.
断(Duan) is to cut/break off the idea of getting things you don’t need; 舍(She) is to give up of the useless things in the house; 离 (Li) is to leave the things you are no longer need. To repeat 断 and舍 continuely and to separate/leave the attachment to goods. Hence we can create more space and freedom in life.
These three Chinese charactors together strongly suggest to Let It Go. In our life, we all have limited time and space. Less is more. Less goods more space. Less burden, more freedom. We should declutter all the time to keep our spaces clean and bright; and upgrade our needs. In different life stage, our needs are different.
It is also good to declutter our mind and let go of toxic thoughts. Keeping life symple, staying possitve and having good attitude towards everything, our life will surely be more beautiful and comfortable.