Mina’s Travels to China, London and Dubai in 2024

2024, the dragon year, is a year of change for every person. The fire energy of the new feng shui period scattered by the green dragon has swiped every town and country. Some of it good, some bad. The bad things we have seen on the news, earthquakes, floods, airplane...

Happy Dragon Year

Mina’s public events to celerate the Lunar New Year: 8/2/24 from 2pm to 6pm Birkenhead Point 10/2/24 from 2.30pm to 4.30pm Chinese Garden Darling Harbour 11/2 24 from 11am to 2pm East Village 15/2/24 from 2pm to 6pm Birkenhead Point 17/2/24 from 2.30pm to 4.30pm...

About Period 9

When we talk about feng shui periods, 1. 2… 8 or 9, it is all part of 三元九运(San Yun Jiu Yun. San Yun Jiu Yun is a method for dividing big time periods in ancient China. Ancient Chinese scientists observed the movements of the planets. They found that Saturn and Jupiter...

About 断Duan, 舍She, 离 Li

断舍离 is a concept which originally came from a Janpanese author山田英子(Shan Tian Ying Zi). It’s about finding and understanding yourself by going through and managing the material goods you have. It is a decluttering technique, which helps to improve your wellbeing....

A Tribute to my Mother

This is the fourth day since my mum passed away. She died at age 82 in Fujian China. My mother had battled with lung cancer for about five years. We knew the day would arrive, however my world was shocked when the news came. Mum was a strong person who had to fight...