I read an article in a Chinese newspaper today about a new year recruitment exhibition in Sheng Zheng, China.

After Chinese New Year, it is a good season for people to look for new jobs. Many companies, corporates advertise new jobs. This years recruitments have some surprises. Many companies not only look at work experience, qualifications, sex, age, apprerance, but also consider Chinese birthday sign, Bazi, and blood types. Some people met all the criterea for a highly paid job, but the Bazi   clashed with the boss, and were hence rejected. They were told: sorry, you were born at the wrong time.

From this article I can see that feng shui and Bazi have become more  important for business practice in China. Nonetheless, if you were born at the wrong time for one person you were surely born at the right time for someone else.

Chinese has a saying: 天生我才必有用(God/Heaven gives me life, it must be good for something).