The Sydney Opera House is one of the iconic buildings in Australia, and one of the most famous performance venues in the world.

Sydney Opera House is located at northeastern tip of Sydney CBD. The building is sitting on a land which strenches into the horbour, the south side of the land conects to the Botanic Garden, and other sides of the land are surrouded by water.

The building is large, the base part of the buiding is solid concrete, the top part of the building  is consisted of many pieces of irregular, curved and pointing shape roofs.

From feng shui perspective, the building relates to fire element. The image of fire on top of water forms a hexagram of 火水未济 (one of the I Ching hexagram, fire above, water below–Wei Ji). The relationship between fire and water is destructive. However, the elements suggest a potentially destructive relationship that holds the promise of great success when the two elements combine to become a steam, signifying power and energy.

The Sydney Opera House is a typical example of fire and water harmonisation. The distinctive and beauty of the building is respected by the world.