In Chinese astrology, to read a person’s destiny, we first need to convert a person’s birth day and time into Four Pillars or Ba Zi (eight characters).

Four pillars are the pillar of year, month, day and hour. Each pillar has two characters, making a total of eight characters. These characters are the elements, the relationship and interactions between the elements tell the story about the person.

In general, to find out a person’s wealth, we look for the direct wealth (正才) and indirect wealth (偏才). It is the element that is conquered by the day master (日元). From the Ba Zi and luck pillars, we look for the lucky elements which will strengthen the capacity of a person to keep money.

In addition to this, there is a very important deity 祿神 (Lu Shen), who also indicates wealth. The Chinese saying 一祿胜千才, means one Lu equals a thousand of wealth.
祿(Lu) means fortune. In ancient China, it indicated stable salary from the emperor. Here is the formula how to find 祿。

日元 Day Master – 祿 (Lu)
甲 (Jia) – 寅 (Yin)
乙 (Yi) – 卯 (Mao)
丙 (Bing), 戊 (Wu) – 巳 (Si)
丁 (Din), 己 (Ji) – 午 (Wu)
庚 (Geng) – 申 (Shen)
辛 (Xin) – 酉 (You)
壬 (Ren) – 亥 (Hai)
癸 (Gui) – 子 (Zi)

Most people’s Ba Zi has the Lu symbols. But not every symbol indicates good fortune.
For example: 甲寅 means long life fortune, very auspicious.
If 甲meets 庚寅(metal wood), means broken Lu, half good half bad.
If 甲 meets 壬寅 (water wood), mean burden and void, the destiny is to be a monk or nun.
If 甲meets 丙寅 (fire wood) or 戊寅(earth wood), it means good fortune.