by Mina | Jun 24, 2010 | Feng Shui
A few days ago a reporter from The Sydney Morning Herald contacted me, asking my opinion about a story she had read in Singapore. The story said that ‘the year of Tiger may be causing parents to not have children this year, as children born under the Tiger sign...
by Mina | Jun 17, 2010 | Feng Shui
Today, one of my clients asked me the question: what difference between god, feng shui and the laws of attraction? My answer was this: I think God represents the power of the universe, and stands for truth and justice. God (the universe) has the power to award or...
by Mina | Jun 13, 2010 | Feng Shui
Some of my clients complain that their house is weird or haunted, and ask to help improve the feeling of the house. I have visited hundreds of houses since I became a feng shui professional. Haunted houses are not common. In Japan, I have had two experiences with...
by Mina | Jun 5, 2010 | Feng Shui
I was called to do a feng shui consultation for a client who bought an office in the Trust Building recently. The Trust Building is located at the corner of King & Castlereagh Sts, Sydney. The building is made from sandstone, it is one of the heritage buildings in...
by Mina | May 31, 2010 | Feng Shui
Feng shui is about the Qi气(energy) flow, if the qi flows correctly then the feng shui is good, if the qi flows in a messy or disharmonious way the feng shui is bad. Qi exists everywhere, therefore feng shui is all areas of our life. Qi can be redirected to harmonise...