2019 Safety Charm

2019 is a year of Earth Pig, the elements of the year are strong in fire and water. These two elements represent two opposite forces. When they are together it is a destructive relationship. and can cause risk or danger to our lives. When these forces are well...

Humble House Inscription

Mina Zheng There is a famous saying from one of the Chinese peoms called 陋室铭 (Hunble House Inscription) written by 刘禹锡 from Tang Dynasty. It said: 山不在高,有仙则名。水不在深,有龙则灵. 斯是陋室, 惟吾德馨。… Which means: No matter how high the mountain is, if there is a fairy, it will be...

Good Positions for Clocks in Bedrooms

A clock is an important object to have in your bedroom, as it tells you the time. Time flies without stopping, so managing time effectively is the first step to success. As a feng shui consultant, I often use clocks to activate the positive or remedy the negative...

The Wealth Symbol in Chinese astrology

In Chinese astrology, to read a person’s destiny, we first need to convert a person’s birth day and time into Four Pillars or Ba Zi (eight characters). Four pillars are the pillar of year, month, day and hour. Each pillar has two characters, making a total of eight...

Mina’s Feng Shui Review in August 2018

One thing we cannot hold on to is time. Time passes no matter what you do or don’t do. The dog year has entered it’s 7th month. Before the year disappears completely, I would like to look back and write down something before it is gone from my memory....